May 10, 2012

I created this blog quite some time ago with the intention of sharing family stuff, especially for those who don't have facebook, but want to keep up with us.  Now, it's really important that I get going on this since our baby boy has arrived! 

Silas Braden Charles was born February 20th at 6:17 pm.  He weighed 8lbs 9oz and was 20.5 inches long!  I had a dream that he weighed 9.5 lbs, so I was relieved when he wasn't quite that big.  Just a note...epidurals are the best! 

Silas is now 11 weeks old and growing so fast.  He has started laughing and "talking" and just recently started trying to roll over.  I was at home with him for 6 weeks and those weeks flew by.  I miss him constantly and hope to someday find a way to stay home with him.  I will try to remember to post plenty of pictures soon.  Mommy brain is going full force and Silas doesn't sleep much, so sleepy mommy brain is even worse. 

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